On my long bus rides home from school, I (naturally) take naps. Twice, I overslept. It's interesting how these two separate instances could spark a rather intrinsic change in me.
The first time that happened, I only managed to wake up when I heard the bus driver turning off the engine of the bus. Realising that we've reached the end-point of the bus journey and that all the passengers had alighted, I hurriedly ran to the front door so that I wouldn't end up being trapped. He was apparently surpised as I sheepishly chuckled while getting off the bus. I was pretty appalled, and somewhat angry, at how nobody woke me up knowing full well that we had already reached the terminal. We could bring up possibilities as to why that happened: maybe none of the passengers saw me, or perhaps all of them alighted at the previous stops. I was, however, pretty skeptical of these highly unprobable likelihoods.
The second time it occurred, a kind stranger lightly tapped my shoulder. I awoke to the sounds of feet hustling to the exit of the bus. We've reached the interchange, but this time, passengers were still in sight and the engines of the bus were still running. No need for panic, no shocked bus drivers, no snickles of embarrassment, and most importantly, no negative emotions within me. I felt very pleased by the good-natured gesture of someone I did not know and had made my day. I only wished I had the chance to thank him/her.
The first time that happened, I only managed to wake up when I heard the bus driver turning off the engine of the bus. Realising that we've reached the end-point of the bus journey and that all the passengers had alighted, I hurriedly ran to the front door so that I wouldn't end up being trapped. He was apparently surpised as I sheepishly chuckled while getting off the bus. I was pretty appalled, and somewhat angry, at how nobody woke me up knowing full well that we had already reached the terminal. We could bring up possibilities as to why that happened: maybe none of the passengers saw me, or perhaps all of them alighted at the previous stops. I was, however, pretty skeptical of these highly unprobable likelihoods.
The second time it occurred, a kind stranger lightly tapped my shoulder. I awoke to the sounds of feet hustling to the exit of the bus. We've reached the interchange, but this time, passengers were still in sight and the engines of the bus were still running. No need for panic, no shocked bus drivers, no snickles of embarrassment, and most importantly, no negative emotions within me. I felt very pleased by the good-natured gesture of someone I did not know and had made my day. I only wished I had the chance to thank him/her.
Henceforth, I made a point to always wake anyone who oversleeps on the bus. Beyond that, it is a timely reminder that I should lend a helping hand when needed. This is simply because I know the inner outrage that comes with an unfulfilled expectation of a simple deed, and also the delight that arises from having someone take that extra step with the sole intention of giving assistance. Stranger or otherwise, I now find it compelling to be more considerate and affectionate with people I encounter. Afterall, gestures of compassion are like a purple drop of ink in a cup of clear water: it eventually spreads and emanates all that surrounds it.
Photo: I honestly have a very vague memory of taking this picture, except that I was in my dad's taxi. So I'm not sure if the white strip diagonally dissecting the photo are clouds, but it's awe-inspiring still :)
Photo: I honestly have a very vague memory of taking this picture, except that I was in my dad's taxi. So I'm not sure if the white strip diagonally dissecting the photo are clouds, but it's awe-inspiring still :)
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